I had a hard time falling asleep last night, so I read through a blog called Can Google Hear Me which I found on the digg frontpage.

It’s written by Aaron Stanton, who managed to pitch his business idea to Google by asking for a meeting in a very creative way. He basically got himself a plane ticket, flew over to Mountain View and showed up in the Googleplex lobby demanding a meeting. It may sound like a dumb idea at first, but the unique thing about his attempt was that he also started a blog documenting his experiences.

Of course he was turned away on his first visit, but as the blog started to get popular, lots of people inside the Googleplex got to know about Aaron, and within a few days Google opened its doors for him.

The thing we can learn from Aaron, and the reason I’m writing about this, is that there is a big difference between just having a good idea and actually pursuing it to make it real. There are millions of people with great ideas and great dreams, but only very few step up and take the risk of failing.

I actually wrote this a few weeks ago, but forgot to publish the post.